Discover Natura’s Convex-IT Skin Barriers

One of the significant problems that ostomates face daily is maintaining a secure seal around their stoma to minimize leaking and irritation. This fear can significantly influence their quality of life, so finding a dependable solution that tackles these difficulties and prioritizes comfort is critical. One such reliable solution is Natura’s Convex-IT skin barriers

This article will unveil this brilliant ostomy product and highlight its outstanding features and advantages.

The Features and Advantages of Natura's Convex-IT Skin Barriers

Natura's Convex-IT Skin Barriers have emerged as a frontrunner for ostomy care, offering a unique design that caters specifically to the needs of ostomates. This brilliant ostomy product is fast becoming a personal choice for health professionals and patients because of its cutting-edge features. One of the primary features of this product is its convex design. The convex shape of the barrier is engineered to gently push against the skin, creating a snug fit around the stoma and minimizing the risk of leaks by providing a more secure seal, 

Other features of this product include;

  • A new stoma-adhesive technology: This impressive skin barrier is instilled with a new adhesive that allows the barrier to stick to both dry and wet skin.
  • The Turtlenecking effect: These skin barriers are usually intended for users with mostly liquid stoma output. Unlike other skin barriers/wafers that can break down when exposed to fluid output, they are designed to take in moisture and swell up to protect the stoma. This particular effect is known as turtle-necking. It helps create a more secure seal without damaging the skin. 
  • They are durable and long-lasting: These barriers are produced from a distinct blend of organically derived hydrocolloids that give long-lasting, skin-friendly protection while remaining gentle on removal. Its unique convex design also provides additional protection for flush or recessed stomas.
  • Flexible and Easy to Use: Natura's Convex-IT skin barriers are flexible and easy to put on, fit, and remove.
  • Secure and Reliable fit. These skin barriers ensure a safe, firm, and reliable fit. This is enhanced by a coupling ring mechanism that makes an audible click to signify a secure connection to the bag. 


Natura's Convex-IT Skin Barriers are a big step forward in caring for people with ostomies. These barriers not only solve practical problems but also make life better and more empowering for people with an ostomy by solving the unique problems they face with their innovative design, focusing on comfort. 

ConvexNaturaSkin barrier