Eye-Safety At Work
There are eye dangers in many workplace environments. The most frequent eye injuries are brought on by small pieces of debris or objects, such as glass or dust, hitting or scraping the eye. Eye injuries are widespread in offices, hospitals, and labs in addition to manufacturing, construction, or trade industries, where they account for a significant proportion of all eye injuries. In the health setting, surgeons, theatre nurses, radiologists, and laboratory workers are probably frequently exposed to potential eye hazards.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) enforces strict eye safety regulations in all hazardous workplace environments [3]. These includes:
- Wearing protective glasses: These glasses could be prescription or non-prescription, depending on if they have a therapeutic lens. These are mainly worn to shield the user's face from threats such as chips, dust, and other flying debris. Typically, safety glasses are made of polycarbonate material because of their superior impact resistance compared to other materials. Safety glasses usually look similar to conventional eyewear but are studier. Additionally, safety glasses with a wraparound design provide additional protection from peripheral hazards such as chemical splash.
- Face shields: Face shields can be used alongside safety glasses to protect from radiation, chemical, or infectious hazards.
Eye Safety at Home
Injuries to the eye are possible anywhere, not only at work. Abrasions, lacerations, and other forms of eye irritation account for the vast majority of home-based eye injuries. While more and more individuals are becoming aware of the importance of protecting their eyes, only 35% of respondents to an AAO poll admitted to always donning goggles or other eye protection when working on tasks around the house. According to the American Association of Ophthalmologists (AAO), each home should have at least a pair of safety glasses [3]. Sawdust, sparks, and stray metal or wood chips can all cause serious eye injuries if they fly up and hit you in the eye.

How to Choose the Appropriate Protective Glasses
Safety glasses are a necessity at home and on the field. Here are things you should consider when selecting the right pair. They Include;
- Safety glasses made with polycarbonate lenses provide the best impact protection.
- Select only protective glasses certified by regulatory bodies, e.g., the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
After choosing the right safety glasses, it is best to give your eyes some time to acclimate to the protective eyewear. Furthermore, always keep protective glasses on when you engage in potentially dangerous activities.
Safety glasses provide your eyes with the required protection at home and at work.
- Ophthalmologists say 90 percent of work-related eye injuries can be avoided by wearing eye protection. (2017, February 28). American Academy of Ophthalmology. https://www.aao.org/newsroom/news-releases/detail/90-percent-of-work-related-eye-injuries-avoidable
- Ten ways to prevent eye injuries at work. (2011, June 27). Prevent Blindness; kwest@preventblindness.org. https://preventblindness.org/ten-ways-to-prevent-eye-injuries-at-work/
- Eye and face protection - overview. (n.d.). Osha.gov. Retrieved December 24, 2022, from https://www.osha.gov/eye-face-protection