Enabled Gardening

The beautiful weather is quickly approaching, and the sun and soil are preparing us for gardening season. Regardless of your age or physical ability, gardening has proved to be a hobby that is therapeutic for our mind, body and spirit. Planting seeds, watching the flowers bloom and being surrounded by nature!s beautiful colours, gives a sense of reassurance and calm. Gardening with a disability can sound intimidating or difficult. Given the tight spaces, the requirement to kneel, squat and use extra strength where needed can be daunting. However, there are solutions and ways to enjoy this hobby without being afraid of injuring yourself. An enabled garden design is an idea that is becoming more popular amongst the elderly, people with disabilities, and even folks who want to enjoy the outdoors without too much physical strain. This concept provides easier accessibility and mobility around the garden. You might be wondering, how exactly can one make an enabled garden? Below we!ll share a few tips and tricks on how to create this.

So, what is an enabled garden? It is a garden designed for everyone. It allows individuals with varying degrees of physical and cognitive abilities to make use of the garden given its specific structure and layout. An enabled garden is often barrier-free in order to create accessibility and functionality, it also uses modified tools and has wider pathways. The design can vary depending on the needs of the gardener. The garden is built for your comfort and ease of access. There are a few ideas that have been helpful when creating an enabled garden:

  • Raised beds are a great idea for anyone depending on your physical needs. Whether you have back pain and can’t bend for a long period of time or require the bed to be wheelchair accessible, this is an option available to you. You can modify and raise the bed to your comfort level.

  • Pathways are a big factor when it comes to gardening. Making sure you have enough space to walk on a flat ground without tripping is important. If you!re considering pathways that are wheelchair accessible, you need to be sure they are at least 3 feet wide, smooth and have a clean, flat surface.

  • For individuals with visual impairment, a ground level garden bed and select plants that are textured and scented can make gardening easier.

  • Hanging planters with a pulley system will make it more accessible for gardeners to lowers them for watering or pruning.

Regardless of what you choose, an enabled garden is designed to suit the needs of the specific person who will be using it. Additionally, it is important to bear in mind that an accessible storage area is where it all begins. When you can easily and safely access the tools you need, it will be more encouraging to continue with your project in creating a beautiful garden space. For centuries, gardening has been known to be an enjoyable activity. It provides a sense of ownership to a space you designed following a period of time and effort. Regardless of ones physical abilities, gardening should be a joyful experience that can be shared with loved ones during the beautiful weather.
